Read what our unbiased experts say about top Kettlebells.

50K (110 lb.) PowerMax Kettlebell

| Monday, November 30, 2009

50K (110 lb.) PowerMax Kettlebell Overviews

Constructed of cast iron, PowerMax Kettlebells facilitate sport specific resistance training like no other equipment or implement. A truly unique tool for the development of speed and power.

Please Note: This item CANNOT ship to P.O. Boxes, APO, or FPO Addresses. It CAN ONLY ship to a Street Address.

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Troy Barbell 70lb Kettlebell


Troy Barbell 70lb Kettlebell Overviews

Same day shipping if the order is shipped in the morning. Intended to increase strength, agility, endurance and balance, our black cast iron kettlebells will give you a total body workout. Troy's cast iron Kettlebell is about the size of a cannonball and is attached to a very thick iron handle. These are fixed weights that are used in many weight training exercises. Kettlebell workouts are intended to increase strength, endurance, agility and balance, challenging both the muscular and cardiovascular system with dynamic, total-body movements. Kettlebells deliver extreme all-around fitness and no other tool does it better. Kettlebells will help you melt the fat off while toning you up at the same time. Kettlebell lifting has been nationally recognized and played throughout the world for decades and has greatly increased in popularity the last few years.SIZES:20lb25lb30lb35lb40lb45lb50lb55lb60lb65lb70lb75lb80lb

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TROY 50 lb Kettlebell


TROY 50 lb Kettlebell Overviews

Troys cast iron Kettlebell is about the size of a cannonball and is attached to a very thick iron handle. These are fixed weights that are used in many weight training exercises. Kettlebell workouts are intended to increase strength endurance agility and balance challenging both the muscular and cardiovascular system with dynamic total-body movements. Kettlebells deliver extreme all-around fitness and no other tool does it better. Kettlebells will help you melt the fat off while toning you up at the same time. Kettlebell lifting has been nationally recognized and played throughout the world for decades and has greatly increased in popularity the last few years.SIZES:20lb25lb30lb35lb40lb45lb50lb55lb60lb65lb70lb75lb80lb

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44 lb Kettle Bells

| Sunday, November 29, 2009

44 lb Kettle Bells Overviews

> By Cap Barbell > Painted glossy black finish > Durable rubber base protects flooring > Increases balance, core strength and agility > Perfect for endurance and flexibility training > Enable dynamic movements not possible with traditional dumbbells or barbells It is said that the name 'Dumbbell' originated in England between 1485 to 1603, when athletes used actual hand-held bells to train and develop muscle mass. In order to reduce the obvious noise factor, the clappers were removed to render the bell 'dumb' (no sound). Since then, the shape and material of this gear has obviously changed. The two most common types of dumbbells today are Adjustable dumbbells: the overall weight can be adjusted by adding or removing plates/discs to/from the handle Fixed-weight dumbbells: one piece, non-adjustable dumbbells of various materials This type of equipment is used to develop, define/refine and strengthen muscles in arms, chest, shoulders and back. Also often used to add resistance during aerobic exercise. .

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35 lb. Wide Handle Kettlebell


35 lb. Wide Handle Kettlebell Overviews

Material: Cast Iron

I really, really love my 35lb bell from TDS. the width of the handle makes for more space between the inside of the handle and the bell itself. The two bases of the handle widen where they meet the bell, which has it's own advantages and disadvantages, depending on what you prefer (I like them for how they tax my fingers differently when doing two-hand exercises that require grabbing the "horns"). I recently bought a RKC 53lber, and more than the difference in weight, the tiny room between the bell and handle makes the bell rest right at the base of my wrist, causing excruciating pain. This is not a problem with the TDS bell, which rest further up my forearm away from that spot. the handle being further from the bell also makes inverted pressing of the bell more difficult, again a plus. My only beef with the TDS 35lb bell is that the handles could be thicker; optimally with the same distance between the bell and handle as presently had.

Newbie Review - Little Luey - Sunny Arizona
I just started working out with my KB about a month a go or so. So far I like it, there are so many things I can do with it and I am feeling my muscles in a very different way from working out with barbells.
I could not believe how much my hearth rate went up the fisrt time I did the swings! Pavel describes the KB training as "Cardio without the emberresement of aerobics", he is right.
I would definatly recoment this type of exercise not just for men but for the ladies also, I didn't think many woman trained this way but just do a search on line and you will see that is not true.
I hope this helps.

Excellent for training - D. Cotto - USA
I purchased this item after watching some UFC fighters training with them and I must admit that it is definitely different from using a regular dumbbell. I have a 35lb hex style dumbbell and I have used it for years but I love the kettle bell. For some reason the 35lb kettle bell feels heavier. I think its the distribution of the weight. Great buy, very happy with the item.

absolutely the best functional strength trainer. - Bill Randall - Camp Liberty, Iraq
absolutely the best overall functional strength developer there is. depending on the weight, kettle bells can be utilized to develop lactate threshold or anaroebic conditioning. they teach and modify full body mobility and coordination, allowing for more efficiency of movement and economy of motion.

What does all that mean? it means that you move better feel lighter, and function more cleanly than you would otherwise. I am an army physical therapy tech, and every single one of my patients who comes in leaves with a kettle bell routine.

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Related Products

Ader Kettlebell set with DVD, 15pc Set (lb): 10-60 (5lb increment), 70, 80, 90, 100

| Saturday, November 28, 2009

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Ultra Kettlebell 10 lb.


Ultra Kettlebell 10 lb. Overviews

NOTE: Shipping outside the United States or Canada is not available.

Cast iron bell with rubber plate on bottom to prevent damage to floors and racks.

Smooth, solid steel handle for comfortable grip. Handle measures 1" diam. on 10 lb. kettlebell and progressively increases to 1 " diam. on 100 lb.

Weight is cast in each for ease of identification. Black.

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Kettlebells 10, 15, 20 & 25 lb. (4 pc set)


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TITLE Kettle Bell Weights

| Friday, November 27, 2009

TITLE Kettle Bell Weights Overviews

Pack a powerful core and trunk - essential for all combat athletes - with our new kettle bells. Build explosive power and super strength! The secret training staple of European and Russian athletes for years comes to the U.S.A. Add more speed and velocity to punches. Sculpt a rock hard torso that dominates opponents. Work on leverage exercises, pushes, throws, squats, swings, thrusts and more. Sold separately.

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GoFit Kettlebells the Iron Core Way DVD Volume 1


GoFit Kettlebells the Iron Core Way DVD Volume 1 Overviews

If you are looking for a DVD workout program that incorporates strength training, muscle conditioning and aerobic exercise all in one workout, then GoFit Kettlebells the Iron Core Way is the perfect program for you. Sarah Lurie, the nation's leading kettlebell expert, will show you how to perform basic kettlebell movements for muscle toning, fat loss, strength and flexibility.

As a self professed exercise fanatic it was obvious that sooner or later I would come across Kettlebells. The claims made by the supports are quite compelling. One of the claims that won me over was Kettlbell users are more interested in BEING STRONG than LOOKING STRONG. The other claim was that using Kettlebells involves resistance AND cardio and so with that I was sold. I Got my Go-Fit Kettlebell from Sports Chalet and it came with an intro DVD. The DVD was just enough to learn the basics but in no way encompased a full work out. So I went on to get the DVD made by the same folks who made the intro DVD.

The DVD comes with an intro to the exercises and a separate rigorous workout. The workout has 3 circuits. Each circuit has about eight exercise and there is a thirty second break between each exercise and a minute break between each circuit. As you move up in the circuits some of the exercises get combined. At the end of the last circuit some Ab work is added to wrap up the workout. The trainer, Sarah Laurie, a kettlebell certified instructor has 2 people working out with her.

It's a tuff workout if you do it properly. The first thing to do is get the right weight. If your weight is too light the 30 second break is going to seem like a waist of time. If your weight is right, that 30 seconds plus a sip of water will be most welcome.

The problem for me that keeps me from making this an excellent DVD is the production values are sadly lacking. And this is most apparent in one of the most important features of any exercise DVD. The set count. There are far too many instances where Sarah Laurie loses count. And when you're swinging a heavy Kettlebell, the last thing you need on your mind is thinking "Hey she miscounted" instead on concentrating on your form. Somebody should have been on the side keeping count with Laurie to avoid those problems. But sadly, she loses count at least once in every circuit.

And there some other things that scream amateur or poor production values like the phony baloney comments to her workout people or the strangely exaggerated breathing out. But still, In the two months that I have used the DVD I have seen my strength increase and my physique look more defined. With just a couple more production meeting this could have been the definitive Kettlebell workout, instead it is a very good workout and now I'm looking for something else.

Breaks are too long and missing stretches - navy mom - okinawa, jp
I debated between a 2 star or 3 star, this is really a beginner tape so even if you think you are somewhere between beginner and intermediate go bigger because this will not make you sweat.
1. Good leg workout
2. Shows you the basics of kettle bells (very basics)
3. Not hard to follow
4. Can complete without stopping

1. Doesn't have a good warm up
2. Doesn't have cool down stretches (never seen a workout dvd without one!)
3. Breaks are too long 50% of this workout is you resting
4. For a beginner tape doesn't go over basics things like not what it is to round your back, she will say don't round your back, but I feel it is more effective to show what that looks like so you can figure out if you are doing it wrong or not.
5. Very short ab workout, should do abs every circuit
6. She is a little condescending to her team, when you return to a break it will show her saying something weird to the guy like good job just remember to keep your head up, but it's just weird, she never really talks to them throughout it so the fact that it breaks to show this is weird.
7. Doesn't make you sweat

In short I am surprised that some very crucial elements to a workout are missing, maybe they assume that you should know this, but they say they try to prevent injury, but not stretching is an easy way to become injured, luckily it's not a hard dvd so you can skimp a little, but really this is very novice and doesn't give you an opportunity to move up in the dvd itself.

I could see and feel the difference after 2 workouts - M. CLARK - Pineville, Louisiana USA
After just 2 workouts with this dvd I could feel a difference. My back feels stronger and I am standing up straighter. The instructor is very good with complete details and explanations of the moves before the actual workout begins. Don't need much room to do these either which is a great plus for small areas, don't have to move the furniture.

a good intro to HIIT (high intensity interval training) with kb's - E. C. Noebel - California
I've read the reviews here; obviously some folks don't understand the principles behind interval training. The alternating periods of explosive movement coupled with rest periods is a more effective fat loss and cardio conditioning tool. Period. Look on the internet.

I have a ton of kettlebell dvds from really good instructors, and I have three bells, 18 lbs, 26 lbs and 36 lbs. I find this DVD the perfect beginner, standby and getting-back-to-basics DVD. When I havent' worked out for a while, I go back to this. When I'm out of shape, I just do one round of Volume 1. When I'm in good shape, I do both rounds and then alternate those days with two rounds from Volume 2.

Poor Sarah's voice is a bit jarring, but she is a wonderful instructor, and she pays meticulous attention to form, which is crucial to getting maximum benefits from this workout.

I have a heart rate monitor I use to measure the efficacy of my workouts - even at resting I don't' drop below my minimum fat burning zone, and i stay near the top of this zone while doing the exercises. Once or twice I've gotten the alarm to go off by being too high. If you are using good form, this is a very tough and condensed workout - classic interval training. If a 30 second (only) pause is 'boring' certain reviewers, then they should stick with steady state cardio. Running, for example. This is a very, very good DVD for a very good price, and I find that it serves a number of purposes in my huge DVD exercise collection.

I do suggest buying TWO different weight kettlebells for women; I use a heavier bell for swings and squats, and need a slightly lighter one (though not really anymore) for overhead presses and snatches and such.

Highly recommended for its non-intimidating approach.

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Related Products

GoFit Kettlebells Iron Core Express DVD Volume 3

| Wednesday, November 25, 2009

GoFit Kettlebells Iron Core Express DVD Volume 3 Overviews

Looking for a DVD workout program that incorporates strength training, muscle conditioning, and aerobic exercise in a single session? Turn to the GoFit Iron Core KettleBell Express, the perfect workout DVD for people who already own GoFit's KettleBell training tools. Hosted by Sarah Lurie, the nation's leading KettleBell expert, the DVD shows you how to perform basic KettleBell movements for muscle toning, fat loss, strength, and flexibility. And at a mere 20 minutes long, the DVD won't take up your entire afternoon.

For all those who said Sarah's DVD's (Vols 1 and 2) were too easy, this one is for them. It is only three compound exercises repeated in several circuits. It does not feature any instructional material (she presupposes you have seen Vols 1 and 2), but I think this is a great workout. Her voice is more smooth and less sing-songy - essentially, Sarah's videos are my GO-TO kettlebell videos. Extremely accessible. I don't get it with people not liking the rest periods. Most of instructors who offer DVDs include a rest period of some sort, and if you don't need that 30 second rest to bring your heart rate down (and I certainly do), then you need a heavier bell. That's the point of HIIT. I used a 16 kilo bell today, and most definitely needed a longer rest period as I hit my max on heart rate, which I monitor after each exercise. These videos, all of them, can be as hard as you want to make them; no problem.

Great All Around Workout - Kathryn -
I love this! Quick and efficient! I take advantage of the 30 second breaks between sets to get a set of abs in. In 20 minutes you have a thorough core workout! I have worn my heart rate monitor while doing this and I am able to get up to 75% of my max so it definetely counts as cardio too!

Some things I have read say that women should start Kettlebell workouts with 15 pounds. I am not a whimpy exerciser and I think 10lbs is a good place to start.

Great overall workout! - Stacey D. Mason -
This is a great workout and well worth the money spent on it. Sarah does a great combination and you feel every muscle in your body! It goes by so quickly and you feel like you've been through an hour long workout! After the first time, you will definitely be sore for a few days - depending on the weight you use. I wish I knew how many calories were burned during this workout.

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Related Products

Russian Competetion Kettle bell 6,9,12 KG(13,20,26Lb) Set


Russian Competetion Kettle bell 6,9,12 KG(13,20,26Lb) Set Overviews

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Ader Kettle bell with DVD, 4,6,8,12,16,20kg 6pcs SET w/Rack

| Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Ader Kettle bell with DVD, 4,6,8,12,16,20kg 6pcs SET w/Rack Overviews

Available at Amazon Check Price Now!

Premier Kettlebell Set: 15lb, 25lb, 30lb


Premier Kettlebell Set: 15lb, 25lb, 30lb Overviews

Available at Amazon Check Price Now!

Kettle Bell 45lb - BLACK


Kettle Bell 45lb - BLACK Overviews

Kettlebell Vinyl Dipped - Black - 45 lb

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45 Degree Glute / Ham Station

| Monday, November 23, 2009

45 Degree Glute / Ham Station Overviews

Work hamstring, gluteus and spinal erector muscle groups in perfect coordination. Hip plate adjusts to desired height to fit athletes of all sizes. All steel construction with durable powder-coat finish. Upholstery is dense foam with durable vinyl covering. Ships unassembled via freight.

Please Note: This item CANNOT ship to P.O. Boxes, APO, or FPO Addresses. It CAN ONLY ship to a Street Address.

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Apollo Kettlebell 36kg (79lb)


Apollo Kettlebell 36kg (79lb) Overviews

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TROY 50 lb Kettlebell


TROY 50 lb Kettlebell Overviews

Troys cast iron Kettlebell is about the size of a cannonball and is attached to a very thick iron handle. These are fixed weights that are used in many weight training exercises. Kettlebell workouts are intended to increase strength endurance agility and balance challenging both the muscular and cardiovascular system with dynamic total-body movements. Kettlebells deliver extreme all-around fitness and no other tool does it better. Kettlebells will help you melt the fat off while toning you up at the same time. Kettlebell lifting has been nationally recognized and played throughout the world for decades and has greatly increased in popularity the last few years.SIZES:20lb25lb30lb35lb40lb45lb50lb55lb60lb65lb70lb75lb80lb

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8 lb. PVC Coated Wide Handle Kettlebell

| Sunday, November 22, 2009

8 lb. PVC Coated Wide Handle Kettlebell Overviews

Material: Heavy PVC Coating over Cast Irom

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6 kg Russian Competition Kettlebell


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J Fit Kettlebell Rack 10-0500


J Fit Keep your kettle bells off the floor and in order. Rack stores up to 12 kettle bells. Rubber mats on shelves reduce noise and protect kettle bells. Steel construction. Assembly required. Ships in 2 boxes. Features: -Kettle bell rack. -Color: Black. -Weight: 86 lbs. -Overall Dimensions: 8" H x 16" W x 50" D. 10-0500

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Apollo 18-Pound Kettlebell

| Saturday, November 21, 2009

18 pound (8 kilogram) iron kettlebell comes with a solid, protective rubber bottom. Use it in all sorts of exercises to build your strength and endurance.

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16 kg Russian Premier Kettlebell


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Premium Black Kettlebell (4 KG-36 KG)


Recently, kettlebells have become increasingly popular around the world, but, in fact, they are a traditional Russian strength training tool that has been around for over a hundred years. They have been deemed a great tool for fitness and to build strength, but they are also a great tool to burn calories and get in shape fast. In addition, kettlebells help improve flexibility and overall stability. They have become popular because of their unique design compared to standard dumbbells and other weights. Their shape allows for easy transition between exercises; you can go from doing a clean to a squat to a press to a windmill without any difficulty.

I just purchased 2 of these kettlebells and they are awesome! Smooth handles and VERY high quality. For the great price I paid I am more than satisfied with my purchase. If you want a great workout and are looking for very nice kettlebells I suggest these premium bad boys!

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100g Javelin Weight for a 600g Javelin

| Friday, November 20, 2009

Strengthen your throwing arm while using the same javelin you throw in competition! The Javelin Weight increases resistance through a specific range of motion. The weight simply slips over the tip of the javelin up to the balance point and tightens snugly for a sure fit. Does not affect thrower's grip.

Please Note: This item CANNOT ship to P.O. Boxes, APO, or FPO Addresses. It CAN ONLY ship to a Street Address.

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One Handed 40 Lb. Kettlebell


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J Fit 25-Pound Premium Vinyl Kettlebell


The JFit cast iron bell is encased in vinyl to help reduce noise and prevent damage to floors. The smooth, solid steel handle provides a comfortable grip. These kettlebells are color coded by weight; colors may vary. For indoor use only.

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Cast Iron Kettlebells - Sold As Singles

| Thursday, November 19, 2009

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Art of Strength Dumbbell


With what seems to be a natural progression for kettlebell training weve taken our training style in a direction that many would consider to be a regression. Recently we wrote an article entitled What Have We Done Wrong where we blasted modern day fitness for what it has become...all show and no go. In that article we mentioned the renovation that we were undertaking (how literal that notion became is a bit scary but thats an entirely different story) as I was saying, the figurative renovation that we started was a renovation in fitness practices, that is, were trying to get people away from modern day body building and back to old time weight lifting. True strength comes not from body building but from weight lifting, and is with this notion, something that weve always taught at Punch and tried to educate through AOS that were launching the next evolution in our Bulldog Kettlebells with the Art of Strength Bulldog Bar Bell and Bulldog Dumb Bell. Like the Bulldog Kettlebells, the Bar Bells and Dumb Bells are both reloadable with sand or shot. Simply add or take away the weight as your workout requires. Weve put both through numerous tests in our Punch Gym circuits and have found that theyll add a whole new dynamic to even simple exercises like the windmill or Turkish get-up.Fully loaded with shot the Dumb Bell will max out at about 60 pounds.

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Kettle Bells 5lb - 75 lb Set

| Wednesday, November 18, 2009

KettleBells have become one of the most popular trends on the health club scene. On any given day, you can see everyone from housewives to celebrities to business executives or professional athletes and trainers performing the most advanced kettlebell routines with perfect form. Now enjoy the many benefits of kettlebell training in the comfort and convenience of your own home. KettleBells are cast iron weights, which resemble a cannonball with a handle. A legendary Russian exercise device, the kettlebell has long been a favorite for those seeking a special edge in strength and endurance. KettleBell training develops strength, power, endurance and balance. KettleBell workouts have long been a favorite of throwers, jumpers, sprinters and hurdlers. You can perform squats, pulls, overhead throws and rotational training plus much more.

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Encyclopedia of Bodyweight Conditioning Starring Steve Cotter the Largest Body-Weight Conditioning Series Ever Made with Over 150 Techniques


World Class Kettlebell and Strength & Conditioning instructor, Steve Cotter, will take your strength training to another level with the all new Encyclopedia of Bodyweight Conditioning! This incredible DVD instructional series contains 161 exercises, making it the largest and most complete instructional project ever created on bodyweight conditioning. Steve teaches in precise detail how to properly perform each exercise. Each technique focuses on one of three important body categories: upper body, lower body, and core. These amazing techniques will show you how to create the ultimate strength and conditioning workout, using only your body! Bodyweight conditioning is the newest and most effective fitness craze yet! It allows you to create a powerful and strong physic, without the strain that dumbbells and weights create. Take your workouts and physique to a new level with this new and exciting DVD series!

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Collegiate Men's Throw Value Pack


Value Packs are for the track program looking for a complete package at a reduced price. This package includes:
  • (1) 302 2K Gill Rubber Discus
  • (1) 814 2K Gill Blue Discus
  • (1) 303 2K Gill Red Discus
  • (1) 817 2K Pacer Stealth Discus
  • (1) 3316 16 lbs. Cast Iron Shot
  • (1) 34163 16 lbs. 128 mm Turned Iron Shot
  • (2) 931 Shot/Discus Carriers

Please Note: This item CANNOT ship to P.O. Boxes, APO, or FPO Addresses. It CAN ONLY ship to a Street Address.

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25 lbs. Olympic Plate

| Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Precision cast, wide flange Olympic plates. Machine drilled holes. Black stain enamel. Sold individually.

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Reebok 15-Pound Kettle Ball


Latest, Greatest Tool for a total body workout!

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28Kg PowerMax Kettlebell

| Monday, November 16, 2009

Kettlebells are cast iron weights, which resemble a basketball with a handle. An ancient Russian exercise device, the Kettlebell has long been a favorite for those seeking a special edge in strength and endurance. Includes one kettlebell.

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Champion Barbell 30 lb Kettlebell


Kettlebells combine strength training muscle coordination and aerobic exercise all in one product.  Used properly develop muscle tone strength and flexibility while promoting fat loss.  Effective for both upper and lower body workouts. Made by Champion Barbell these durable kettlebells have a superior black finish with each weight stamped on the side.

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J Fit 30 lbs Cast Iron Kettlebell 20-6130

| Sunday, November 15, 2009

J Fit Custom J Fit design, cast iron kettle bell with gray paint for extra protection. Smooth, solid steel handle for comfortable grip. Handle measures 2" diameter on all kettle bells. Features: -Cast iron kettle bell. -Includes a single kettle bell. -For indoor and outdoor use. -Weight: 30 lbs. -Overall Dimensions: 8.5" H x 10" W x 5.5" D. 20-6130

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Body Solid KBS275 5 to 50-Pound Kettle Bell Set


A popular weight-training tool, the Kettlebell originated in Russia and offers a special edge in strength, endurance, agility and balance. The Body Solid cast iron Kettlebell is among the toughest and most durable on the market. The black enamel finish and steel reinforced handle provide incredible resilience. Perform squats, throws, rotational swings and more for a dynamic full-body workout! Resembling a cannonball with a handle, Kettlebells have long been a favorite of throwers, jumpers, sprinters and hurdlers. Body Solid Kettlebells increase in 5 lb increments for variety and a steady progression in workout intensity so you get versatile and effective exercise with every routine!

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In Depth Kettlebell Foundation


Featuring Lisa Shaffer and her proven methods of teaching beginners how to properly and safely use kettlebells.This is an interactive instructional DVD. You get a chance to practice along with the instructors after every tip covered in the class. There are on screen text tips along with verbal cuing as well so you know exactly what you are suppose to be concentrating on to build your basic exercises foundation.The dvd runs 2 hours and 21 minutes. There is a play all feature or you can view each exercise individually so you can work on any exercise you need help with. Also includes a 6 minute joint mobility warm up.

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Apollo Kettlebell 8kg (18lb)

| Saturday, November 14, 2009

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Gray Series Kettlebell 4kg (8.8lb)


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KOR Kettleball - 20 lb - Handle Blue


NOTE: Shipping outside the United States or Canada is not available.


Like a traditional kettlebell, the kor kettleball is an excellent tool for strengthening the core.
Constructed of pliable materials, the kor kettleball is an attractive, user friendly alternative to cast iron kettlebells in group exercise classes and personal training sessions.

These unique , non-scuffing kettleballs are uniformly sized for consistent technique development and feature a 1 1/4" durable, molded polypropylene handle for a solid grip and smooth rotation.

Highly visible weight label and color coded handle.

Fits standard kettlebell racks.

Color coded by level (Beginner-Yellow, Intermediate-Orange, Advanced-Blue), 12"H x 8" diameter.

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20K (44 lb.) PowerMax Vinyl Coated Kettlebell

| Friday, November 13, 2009

Constructed of cast iron with color-coded vinyl encasement. PowerMax Vinyl Coated Kettlebells can be used for cleans, jerks, squats, swings, and throws. Improved rubber, non-skid bottom to protect floors.

Please Note: This item CANNOT ship to P.O. Boxes, APO, or FPO Addresses. It CAN ONLY ship to a Street Address.

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Kettlebell Rack 2 tier 56" Long (Rack Only)


Good to Hold 12 to 28 pcs Kettle BellsKettle Bell not included.

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Cap Barbell Vinyl Coated Kettlebells

| Thursday, November 12, 2009

Working out with kettlebells will sculpt and tone the entire body because lifting and controlling a kettlebell forces the entire body, and specifically the core, to contract as a group, building both strength and stability at the same time. Kettlebell workouts engage multiple muscle groups at once. They are a great option for getting a whole body workout in a short time. Made of solid cast iron, these kettlebells are both versatile and durable. Vinyl coated for extra protection against wear and tear.

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32 kg Russian Premier Kettlebell


The 32kg kettlebell I ordered was shipped promptly as scheduled and arrived in good condition, on time. The tricep exercises I do with this kettlebell has already put 20 pounds on my bench press and has improved my military press, what's more, since I've been training with kettlebells, I have had no shoulder pain for the first time in 10 years! I am looking to get more kettlebells, can't say enough about them and I am just getting started!

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Loadable Kettlebell "Beast"


Our latest and greatest in a long of line of fantastic products to fall under the bulldog line of kettlebells, and the only loadable bell to reach weights in excess of 150 pounds. Whether you're looking for a great kettlebell for heavy swings, cleans, presses or just a simple farmers walk, this is definitely the kettlebell for you. Made in the USA and designed by Anthony Diluglio himself, the Art of Strength Re-loadable Kettlebell is a handcrafted, hollow steel, powder coated, work of near perfection. Every effort went into designing the most comfortable kettlebell on the market today. This design still had to withstand months of in house testing as we, and our clients, made sure it could stand up to even the toughest Punch workouts. Re-loadable with numerous materials, weve found the most practical to be either sand or lead/steel shot, simply for their ease of loading and unloading. Having the kettlebell loadable has many advantages, one of which is it allows you to progress through various stages of weight without having to purchase more kettlebells, just simply add more sand or shot. Another great advantage to using a re-loadable bell is that free moving shot or sand shifts the center of gravity through the routines movement thus allowing the user to feel when the movement is being done properly. If the movement is done incorrectly the shot will shift, telling the user that their form has come off its natural plane of movement. In this application it becomes a corrective kettlebell, assisting you with form refinement. Made right here in America, this kettlebells is a can't miss for any kettlebell enthusiasts. Check out the videos below to see the beast in action.

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Empower 5-Pound KettleBell with DVD

| Wednesday, November 11, 2009

KettleBells are the hot new dynamic training tool that deliver an intense workout that can be done in half the time of a traditional workout, while producing twice the results. Our Empower KettleBells are made with a soft touch shell for added comfort and a wide grip handle for smooth, controlled moves. Each product includes an illustrated workout poster and 20 minute follow-along workout DVD.

I was interested in trying kettleballs, but wanted to make sure I was using them correctly. The DVD that comes with this is great. It has a nice warm up, three exercise segments (I've only done Workout 1 so far) and a cool down segment. The emphasis is on safety and going at your own pace. I have no problem recommending this.

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15 lbs. Rubber Coated Dumbbell


Rubber coated finish. Precision cast with raised numbers. Sold individually.

Please Note: This item CANNOT ship to P.O. Boxes, APO, or FPO Addresses. It CAN ONLY ship to a Street Address.

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Empower Kettlebell with DVD - Blue (10lbs)


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