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GoFit Kettlebells Iron Core Express DVD Volume 3

| Wednesday, November 25, 2009

GoFit Kettlebells Iron Core Express DVD Volume 3 Overviews

Looking for a DVD workout program that incorporates strength training, muscle conditioning, and aerobic exercise in a single session? Turn to the GoFit Iron Core KettleBell Express, the perfect workout DVD for people who already own GoFit's KettleBell training tools. Hosted by Sarah Lurie, the nation's leading KettleBell expert, the DVD shows you how to perform basic KettleBell movements for muscle toning, fat loss, strength, and flexibility. And at a mere 20 minutes long, the DVD won't take up your entire afternoon.

For all those who said Sarah's DVD's (Vols 1 and 2) were too easy, this one is for them. It is only three compound exercises repeated in several circuits. It does not feature any instructional material (she presupposes you have seen Vols 1 and 2), but I think this is a great workout. Her voice is more smooth and less sing-songy - essentially, Sarah's videos are my GO-TO kettlebell videos. Extremely accessible. I don't get it with people not liking the rest periods. Most of instructors who offer DVDs include a rest period of some sort, and if you don't need that 30 second rest to bring your heart rate down (and I certainly do), then you need a heavier bell. That's the point of HIIT. I used a 16 kilo bell today, and most definitely needed a longer rest period as I hit my max on heart rate, which I monitor after each exercise. These videos, all of them, can be as hard as you want to make them; no problem.

Great All Around Workout - Kathryn -
I love this! Quick and efficient! I take advantage of the 30 second breaks between sets to get a set of abs in. In 20 minutes you have a thorough core workout! I have worn my heart rate monitor while doing this and I am able to get up to 75% of my max so it definetely counts as cardio too!

Some things I have read say that women should start Kettlebell workouts with 15 pounds. I am not a whimpy exerciser and I think 10lbs is a good place to start.

Great overall workout! - Stacey D. Mason -
This is a great workout and well worth the money spent on it. Sarah does a great combination and you feel every muscle in your body! It goes by so quickly and you feel like you've been through an hour long workout! After the first time, you will definitely be sore for a few days - depending on the weight you use. I wish I knew how many calories were burned during this workout.

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