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GoFit Kettlebells the Iron Core Way DVD Volume 1

| Friday, November 27, 2009

GoFit Kettlebells the Iron Core Way DVD Volume 1 Overviews

If you are looking for a DVD workout program that incorporates strength training, muscle conditioning and aerobic exercise all in one workout, then GoFit Kettlebells the Iron Core Way is the perfect program for you. Sarah Lurie, the nation's leading kettlebell expert, will show you how to perform basic kettlebell movements for muscle toning, fat loss, strength and flexibility.

As a self professed exercise fanatic it was obvious that sooner or later I would come across Kettlebells. The claims made by the supports are quite compelling. One of the claims that won me over was Kettlbell users are more interested in BEING STRONG than LOOKING STRONG. The other claim was that using Kettlebells involves resistance AND cardio and so with that I was sold. I Got my Go-Fit Kettlebell from Sports Chalet and it came with an intro DVD. The DVD was just enough to learn the basics but in no way encompased a full work out. So I went on to get the DVD made by the same folks who made the intro DVD.

The DVD comes with an intro to the exercises and a separate rigorous workout. The workout has 3 circuits. Each circuit has about eight exercise and there is a thirty second break between each exercise and a minute break between each circuit. As you move up in the circuits some of the exercises get combined. At the end of the last circuit some Ab work is added to wrap up the workout. The trainer, Sarah Laurie, a kettlebell certified instructor has 2 people working out with her.

It's a tuff workout if you do it properly. The first thing to do is get the right weight. If your weight is too light the 30 second break is going to seem like a waist of time. If your weight is right, that 30 seconds plus a sip of water will be most welcome.

The problem for me that keeps me from making this an excellent DVD is the production values are sadly lacking. And this is most apparent in one of the most important features of any exercise DVD. The set count. There are far too many instances where Sarah Laurie loses count. And when you're swinging a heavy Kettlebell, the last thing you need on your mind is thinking "Hey she miscounted" instead on concentrating on your form. Somebody should have been on the side keeping count with Laurie to avoid those problems. But sadly, she loses count at least once in every circuit.

And there some other things that scream amateur or poor production values like the phony baloney comments to her workout people or the strangely exaggerated breathing out. But still, In the two months that I have used the DVD I have seen my strength increase and my physique look more defined. With just a couple more production meeting this could have been the definitive Kettlebell workout, instead it is a very good workout and now I'm looking for something else.

Breaks are too long and missing stretches - navy mom - okinawa, jp
I debated between a 2 star or 3 star, this is really a beginner tape so even if you think you are somewhere between beginner and intermediate go bigger because this will not make you sweat.
1. Good leg workout
2. Shows you the basics of kettle bells (very basics)
3. Not hard to follow
4. Can complete without stopping

1. Doesn't have a good warm up
2. Doesn't have cool down stretches (never seen a workout dvd without one!)
3. Breaks are too long 50% of this workout is you resting
4. For a beginner tape doesn't go over basics things like not what it is to round your back, she will say don't round your back, but I feel it is more effective to show what that looks like so you can figure out if you are doing it wrong or not.
5. Very short ab workout, should do abs every circuit
6. She is a little condescending to her team, when you return to a break it will show her saying something weird to the guy like good job just remember to keep your head up, but it's just weird, she never really talks to them throughout it so the fact that it breaks to show this is weird.
7. Doesn't make you sweat

In short I am surprised that some very crucial elements to a workout are missing, maybe they assume that you should know this, but they say they try to prevent injury, but not stretching is an easy way to become injured, luckily it's not a hard dvd so you can skimp a little, but really this is very novice and doesn't give you an opportunity to move up in the dvd itself.

I could see and feel the difference after 2 workouts - M. CLARK - Pineville, Louisiana USA
After just 2 workouts with this dvd I could feel a difference. My back feels stronger and I am standing up straighter. The instructor is very good with complete details and explanations of the moves before the actual workout begins. Don't need much room to do these either which is a great plus for small areas, don't have to move the furniture.

a good intro to HIIT (high intensity interval training) with kb's - E. C. Noebel - California
I've read the reviews here; obviously some folks don't understand the principles behind interval training. The alternating periods of explosive movement coupled with rest periods is a more effective fat loss and cardio conditioning tool. Period. Look on the internet.

I have a ton of kettlebell dvds from really good instructors, and I have three bells, 18 lbs, 26 lbs and 36 lbs. I find this DVD the perfect beginner, standby and getting-back-to-basics DVD. When I havent' worked out for a while, I go back to this. When I'm out of shape, I just do one round of Volume 1. When I'm in good shape, I do both rounds and then alternate those days with two rounds from Volume 2.

Poor Sarah's voice is a bit jarring, but she is a wonderful instructor, and she pays meticulous attention to form, which is crucial to getting maximum benefits from this workout.

I have a heart rate monitor I use to measure the efficacy of my workouts - even at resting I don't' drop below my minimum fat burning zone, and i stay near the top of this zone while doing the exercises. Once or twice I've gotten the alarm to go off by being too high. If you are using good form, this is a very tough and condensed workout - classic interval training. If a 30 second (only) pause is 'boring' certain reviewers, then they should stick with steady state cardio. Running, for example. This is a very, very good DVD for a very good price, and I find that it serves a number of purposes in my huge DVD exercise collection.

I do suggest buying TWO different weight kettlebells for women; I use a heavier bell for swings and squats, and need a slightly lighter one (though not really anymore) for overhead presses and snatches and such.

Highly recommended for its non-intimidating approach.

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